Survival in Beijing

Having spent a few days in Beijing, so I just want to make a note about the 4-day adventure there.

Beijing is well known as the capital of China, also being the old capital of Ming, Qing dynasties, it preserves a lot of traditional architectures near Hutong 胡同. Basically, what you have found in Hutong nowadays were those who were proposed by Modern Chinese architect Liang Sicheng 梁思成 (the son of Liang Qichao梁啟超) to preserve them in the original sites. In the past, Hutong was the living region for those princesses who got married and needed to move out from the forbidden city. You could still find some of the Qing-style decorations in those houses as some households did keep the statues which were representing the government officers 文官、武官 at the front gate. The rectangular statute represents the 文官 and the round-shaped represents the 武官 (those generals).

My day trip was like: the 鐘鼓樓 > 烟袋斜街 > 胡同> 景山公園 > 天安門 > 黃府井…


It was a clock tower which would ring twice in a day. Many years ago when Beijing still did not have too many tall buildings, people living in the whole Beijing area could hear the clock tower clearly. Nowadays, Beijing became more populated and crowded which made people living the nearby area could hear the ring merely. This was pretty sad though.



Another very tourist place in Beijing near 后海, but I could assure that this place was pretty cool since you would find a lot of traditional stuff and food for souvenirs 😀

Note: the hotpot was really so yum!!! This was the most famous hotpot store in that region by the way.


I rented a Rickshaw 黃包車 in Hutong, the driver was kinda being my tour guide and told me the history of the place – where Chairman Mao worked and lived in the past… it sounded like a very tourist thing but it was fun indeed. I also enjoyed chatting with the driver all way long 🙂 Thank you for the wonderful ride indeed.



It was a garden-like place near the forbidden city. You would have to pay RMB 2 for the entrance fee and did a short hike to the top of the mountain in order to see the whole view of the forbidden city. (and you could see the air pollution was sooooooo serious in Beijing too, so smoggy)

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This would be the funniest part that I have ever had: biking from Forbidden City to Tian An Men Square. Supposedly we couldn’t stop at the biking trial to take photos, however, I did that. LOL (my flaw that I didn’t know this fact before the bike trip) I didn’t have to line up for hours to walk past the square lol this was impressive. IMG_6073


It used to be an old district in Beijing. Being a developing city, it turned to be a tourist place where you could find a lot of foreign shops and 老字號stores here – a mixture of cultures. I highly recommended you guys to try the Jasmine tea ice cream from this tea store 美裕泰茶館.


Beijing now has the bike sharing system around the city – the commonly seen one is OFO (小黃車), the orange bike and the blue bike. For registering these bikes, you need to pay the deposit via WeChat pay or credit card and they are refundable. I would say it was convenient that you could park these bikes anywhere you like, yet it was somehow hard to search for the bikes as there were no official parking stops for them. You really needed to be lucky so you could find one and unlock one successfully.. In this trip, I registered the OFO account for the yellow bikes. It costed around RMB200 for the deposit and the company would charge you RMB 1 for first 30 mins ride. If you were confident to have a (dangerous) bike trip in Beijing, JUST do it!



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