Sapporo Living experience with traditional Japanese family

It was really a wonderful experience to stay with traditional Japanese family in Sapporo, Japan. A big thanks to my friend and his family indeed so I could have an awesome visit to this place.

And I would like to remind those who would stay at their friend’s place, please please please, do make sure you have got their home address in advance since you would have to provide this information on the entry permit form for crossing the border. There was no WIFI/signal at the immigration region and this meant you wouldn’t be able to contact your friend for help…. I was lucky enough that those immigration staff were trying their best to help me at that time… lol


Upon the first day of arrival, we were already having Sushi and Miso soup party at night. The Sashimi were really so yum, yes, the real Japanese sashimi!!!

Shiroi Koibito Chocolate Factory:

This European style building didn’t amaze me much since it looked too new from my perspective. Once you paid the entrance fee, they would give you one white chocolate biscuit for free (and it was really so yum).


And you would be able to see how the chocolate was produced inside the factory:


Everyone looked so busy in performing their own designated tasks. Those guys on the left were trying to take away those biscuits which didn’t look perfect in shape.

Later the day, we went to explore the local Japanese market, hmmm, or the fruit market place, perhaps. The melons looked ridiculously expensive……it cost around HKD700-ish (NTD2800) =_=



You would see part of the Sapporo when you went up to the mountain. The weather was pretty foggy these days so we couldn’t see a clear picture yet it was already fun enough.


My first time to take this!!!

Sapporo Shrine:

This would be the biggest shrine in Sapporo. As we got there in weekday so there were not too many people. The environment was so comfortable and quiet, which was so different from Kyoto. For me, I would use “disastrous” to describe the shrines in Kyoto as there were too many tourists and you probably would not enjoy to have a long walk inside.

Sapporo Station:

This would be the shopping area in Sapporo, where would remind you of Tokyo and HK these cosmopolitan cities. The Sapporo TV Tower there enabled you to have a mini bungee jumping by paying JP1200. In accordance with what my friend said, “it was fun though.”

If you decided to go to Sapporo, you’d better know how to drive as it was not convenient if you went around without a car. Even it was summer, Sapporo was soooo cool which was around 18-24’C merely. I would say this would be the best weather so you wouldn’t get sweaty even you ran around the city. Miraculously, my nose allergy was gone when I was there lol this was a strong justification that they had fresher, cleaner air than I expected before the trip.

My thought after this trip: please bring me back to there!!!


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